We can offer you the best possibility how to deliver your shipments safe and well. We are able to provide security escorts 24/7 all over in Europe.  With the close cooperation with our partners we are able to manage the highest quality of security services. This is not only a physical escort of vehicle, but also planning the route before the departure, choosing the best safe parking places for your shipments. With our security technologies we are prepared for unexpected events which nobody can foresee.


  • Our cars are equipped with GPS, GSM systems which can be shared with you
  • Mobile camera system with real time monitoring – Monitoring Centre can check the current situation of the road by watching the camera online.
  • Walkie-talkie communication between truck driver and escort driver.
  • Monitoring Centre ( 24/7) can monitor the truck and escorting vehicle during the whole route.
  • Before departure we provide panic button for the truck driver. In case of pushing the button, alarm comes to our 24/7 Monitoring Centre, then the alarm is verified with the driver if possible. In case of real emergency local police/rescue service is activated.
  • Status reports – Monitoring Centre informs you regularly by sending e-mails with the status of the shipment.
  • In case of an incident our escort staff  immediately informs Monitoring Centre to activate local police or rescue services.

Order the security escort now!

+421 2 4445 2028

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